Alessandro Bavari, an Italian-French contemporary artist, born in Latina, Italy, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. Considered one of the pioneers of digital art as well as one of the great representatives of contemporary surrealism, over the years he has developed his own digital artistic language, approaching it in 1993 as a further research discipline.
‘Art is a spontaneous ecosystem and in all its manifestations and its evolution, cannot be harnessed, like a stream, if you try to stop it, it will divert and go elsewhere. Therefore, the new technologies that help art to evolve are welcome’.
Bavari has been attracted to photography, painting and music since childhood, experimenting over time with different painting techniques and exploring photography as an expressive medium like other disciplines, fusing them together in symbiosis.
In 2011 he won the Golden Nica at the Prix Ars Electronica with “Metachaos”, first prize for best animation. In 2017, thanks to this futuristic video, Bavari was contacted by 20th Century Fox as concept artist for the movie “Alien: Covenant”, via a direct call from Sir Ridley Scott.
Bavari continues to work as an art director in cinema, with directors such as Gabriele Lavia and Luca Guadagnino, as well as a concept artist and art director in the field of videogames.
In addition to the Golden Nica, he has collected various prizes including the “Digital Hall of Fame Award” at the 3D Festival Awards in Copenhagen, the “Photo-realistic images” award at the Adobe “The Power of Design – European Competition” in London, the “2001 International Digital Art Award” in Australia, and again at the Clio Awards, the One Show Awards, the Art Director Club Awards and many others.
His works have been published in hundreds of magazines and art books, as well as being a continuous subject of study in international universities and institutes.
Exhibitions include various galleries and museums such as at the “Salon Art Paris” at the Louvre Museum, the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin, the Jyväskylä Art Museum in Finland, the “State of Digital Art” exhibition, the Devos Art Museum in USA, the “Digital Hall of Fame” in Stockholm, the Palace of the Arts in Naples, the Itabashi Art Museum in Tokyo, the Mimi and Ian Rolland Art and Visual Communication Center in USA, FIMA – Festival International Montreal en Arts in Canada, Kronos Art BCN 2020 in Barcelona, the DigitalArt Factory in Rome and many others.
06/2010: (Photography), “Galleria Argo/Centro – Centro Studi e Documentazione Arte Moderna e Contemporanea.”, Trento, ITALY
03/2008: (Photography), Galleria De Faveri Arte – Lab 610 XL, Feltre, ITALY
06/2006: (Photography), “FIMA-Festival International Montreal en Arts”, Galerie Dentaire, Montreal, CANADA
03/2004: (Painting, Photography), “Operazione Contemporanea: 14 artisti + 2 città x 28 mostre”, ITALY
10/2003: (Photography), Galleria Arte al contrario, “Sodoma e Gomorra”, Modena, ITALY
06/2003: (Photography), Jungle Art Galerie, Paris, FRANCE
09/2002: (Painting, Photography), Mimi and Ian Rolland Art and Visual Communication Center, University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne,USA
08/2002: (Photography), Limonaia of Villa Strozzi, “Sodoma e Gomorra”, Firenze, ITALY
08/2001: (Photography), Guinness Storehouse, “Sodoma e Gomorra”, Dublino, IRELAND
01/2001: (Photography), ZoneZero, “Sodoma e Gomorra”, MEXICO
05/1997: (Photography) Latinafiori, Latina, ITALY
02/1996: (Photography) PianoArt, Latina, ITALY
01/1996: (Illustration) Mc Cann Erikson, Rome, ITALY
06/1987: (Painting), Galleria Locali di Kaos, Rome, ITALY
04/2022: (Video) “Decentral Art Pavillon – Venice Biennale”, NFT Exhibition, Palazzo Giustinian Lolin, Venice, ITALY
04/2022: (Video) “Cognitive Awareness”, phisical and virtual art exhibition, Ex Cartiera Latina, Rome, ITALY
11/2021: “2121”, NFT exhibition at DART, Museo della Pemanente – Milan (Italy)
10/2020: (Photography) Kronos Art BCN 2020 – Barcelona, SPAIN
12/2018: (Painting) Gallery of 16th century Biblioteca Angelica c/o Galleria Astrolabio, Rome, ITALY
09/2018: DigitalArt Factory, Palazzo Velli, Rome, ITALY
09/2018: “Roma Sogna – Mostra d’arte contemporanea”, India Theater, Rome, ITALY
06/2018: “Other Realities”, Jyväskylä Art Museum, FINLAND
05/2017: Ctonio / A.R.A.I., Galleria Astrolabio, Roma, ITALY
04/2017: Carrara Art Fair, c/o Astrolabio Gallery, Carrara, ITALY
04/2017: “Uncorrect”, Hybris Art Gallery, Rome, ITALY
10/2015: “Magna Contemporanea”, Chiostro di San Domenico Maggiore, Naples, ITALY
06/2014: “INSECTES & ARACHNIDES”, AKIZA – la galerie, Paris, FRANCE
06/2014: “ Camere Oscure” – Il Cuneo Gotico” MIAAO – Museo Internazionale di Arti Applicate Oggi di Torino, Turin, ITALY
03/2014: “Segrete”, Prigioni di Castel dell’Ovo, c/o Largo Baracche, Naples, ITALY
01/2014: “New Media Exploration”, University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, USA
06/2013: (Video), Inkubo Electronic experience festival, Centro Sonika, Padova, ITALY
06/2013: (Video) “Psichic TV”, Associazione Decifra – IV Open Studio, Venice, ITALY
02/2013: (Photography) “Divina Commedia”, Arcos, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea del Sannio, Benevento, ITALY
02/2012: (Video) Corpo Elettronico, Complesso Monumentale del San Giovanni, Catanzaro, ITALY
02/2012: (Photography) S.O.S. 3, Palazzo delle Miniere, Trento, ITALY
12/2011: (Photography), “PhotoReload (IN-HUMAN)”, Romberg, Latina, ITALY
11/2011: (Photography), “METABIOLOGIE”, Galleria Spazio Paraggi,Treviso, ITALY (text in italian)
09/2011: (Video) Metachaos (Golden Nica as best short 2011) screened at the Prix Ars Electronica, AUSTRIA
06/2011: (Photography) “Divina Commedia”, Pan, Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, Napoli, ITALY
02/2011: (Photography) S.O.S. 2 Again SAVE OURS SKIERS, Lab 610 XL, Sovramonte (BL) ITALY
10/2009: (Photography) “STEP09”, Milano, ITALY
09/2009: (Photography), “ARTVERONA”, Verona Arte Fiera, Verona, ITALY
07/2009: (Photography) “Degli Uomini Selvaggi e d’altre Forasticherie”, LAB 610 XL, Sovramonte (BL), ITALY
10/2008: (Photography) “ArtSinergy”, Fiera di Verona, Verona, ITALY
10/2008: (Photography) “Photovirus”, Grosseto, ITALY
07/2008: (Photography) “Il Drago di Giorgio”, LAB 610 XL, Sovramonte (BL), ITALY
10/2007: (Photography) “ArtVerona”, Fiera di Verona, Verona, ITALY
03/2007: (Photography), “Eredità del Simbolismo – Mitologie, Etnografie, Esoterismi”, Galleria d’Arte Moderna “Aroldo Bonzagni”, Cento, ITALY
07/2006: (Photography), “Una Aproximation Visual a la Guitarra”, Cordoba, SPAIN
11/2005: (Photography) “Premio Celeste”, Palazzo Ducale, Siena, ITALY
10/2005: (Photography) “State of Digital Art”, DEVOS ART MUSEUM, Michigan, USA
09/2005: (Photography) “Plotart Europa”, Galleria Arturarte, Rome, ITALY
08/2005: (Painting) “Premio Nazionale di Pittura – Sabaudia Ferruccio Ferrazzi”, Sabaudia, ITALY
05/2005: (Photography) “BODY DECEITS – INGANNI DEL CORPO”, Galleria Neon, Bologna, ITALY
04/2005: (Photography) “aniGma-2” The 2d Novosibirsk International Festival of Digital Imaging & Animation, Novosibirsk State Art Museum (NSAM), RUSSIA
03/2005: (Photography) “VITARTE”, Centro Fieristico, Mostra Mercato Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Viterbo, ITALY
11/2004: (Photography) “A VOSTRO RISCHIO E PERICOLO”, Galleria StopArt, Rome, ITALY
10/2004: (Photography) “SALON ART PARIS”, International Exhibition of Contemporary and Modern Art, CARROUSEL DU LOUVRE, Paris, FRANCE
09/2004: (Photography) “LUMO 2004”, 6th international triennial of Contemporary photography, Jyvaskyla Art Museum, Jyvaskyla, FINLAND
08/2004: (Photography) “Il nudo fotografato e il sogno della pittura – dall’Accademia al digitale” Area museale di Ca’ La Ghironda, Centro d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Ponte Ronca di Zola Predosa, ITALY
02/2004: (Photography) “Il nudo fotografato e il sogno della pittura – dall’Accademia al digitale” Galleria Sweet Home Arte e Antiquariato, Bologna, ITALY
02/2004: (Photography) “STOCK OPTION exhibition” Jungle Art Galerie, Paris, FRANCE
11/2003: (Photography) “Le Retoriche di Eros – Geografie e antropologie del corpo d’amore”, Bondeno (FE), ITALY
11/2003: (Photography) second edition of the Prize of Contemporary Photography “FEDERICO VENDER”, Arco (Trento), ITALY
10/2003: (Digital Art) “aniGma-2003”, Festival of Digital Imaging & Animation, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA
04/2003: (Digital Art) “M’ARS gallery”, Moscow, RUSSIA
04/2003: (Photography) “Confini 01”, Rome, ITALY
03/2003: (Photography) “Contemporanea 1945-2003”, Latina, ITALY
09/2002: (Digital Art) “Digital Hall of Fame”, Seybold/PubTech, Stoccolma, SVEDEN
09/2002: (Digital Art) “Digital Hall of Fame”, NewCAT (New Center for Art & Technology), Cleveland, USA
09/2002: (Digital Art), LeVall Art Gallery, RUSSIA
08/2002: (Photography) “Femina Ancilla Domina”, Castiglione della Pescaia, ITALY
06/2002: (Photography) “Foiano Fotografia”, 4th edition of Contemporary photography, Foiano della Chiana (AR), ITALY
01/2002: (Photography) Echo Gallery, Chicago, USA
08/2001: (Photography) “LUMO 2001: PASSION”, 5th international triennial of Contemporary Photography Jyvaskyla Art Museum, Jyvaskyla, FINLAND
06/2001: (Photography) “Visions & Redemption: Works by Alessandro Bavari and Quintin Gonzalez”, RMDAC gallery, Denver, USA
01/2001: (Digital Art), “ART PUSH 2001”, San Pietroburgo, RUSSIA
12/2000: (Digital Art), “Pixxelpoint, International Computer Art Festival”, Nova Gorica, SLOVENIA
04/2000: (Illustration), Farfa, ITALY
12/1999: (Painting) Galleria Colomba Arte, Latina, ITALY
10/1999: (Digital Art), Adobe, The Imagination Gallery South Crescent, London, UK
06/1998: (Photography) Galleria Colomba Arte, Latina, ITALY
05/1997: (Painting) Galleria Colomba Arte, Latina, ITALY
11/1995: (Painting) “III recontres Internationales d’Art Contemporain”, Centre d’Animation Cordier, Paris, FRANCE
07/1995: (Painting) “… Eventi: arte contemporanea a Sermoneta”, Sermoneta, ITALY
07/1994: (Painting) Gresse en Vercors – Grenoble, FRANCE
07/1993: (Illustration) Castello di S.Severa, S.Severa, ITALY
06/1993: (Calcography) “41th Fiera Internazionale di Roma”, Fiera di Roma, Rome, ITALY
08/1992: (Illustration) “Annual Illustrator’s International Exhibition”, Itabashi Art Museum, Tokio, JAPAN
08/1992: (Painting) Galleria Ferrero, Nizza, FRANCE
07/1992: (Painting) “XXVI Internazional Price of Contemporary Art”, PRINCIPATO DI MONACO
04/1992: (Illustration) “Annual Illustrator’s International Exhibition”, ArteFiera, Bologna, ITALY
04/1991: (Painting) Galleria C.R.A.C, Rome, ITALY
12/1990: (Painting), Ministero del Tesoro, U.N.I.C.E.F., Rome, ITALY
07/1990: (Calcography) “Rassegna di incisioni, disegni, stampe”, Latina/Sabaudia, ITALY
04/1990: (Calcography) “Ex-libris”, Sala esposizioni biblioteca Aldo Manuzio, Latina, ITALY
10/1989: (Painting) “Stato della ricerca formale a Latina e provincia”, Federlazio, Latina, ITALY
07/1989: (Calcography) “Rassegna di incisioni”, Galleria Procoio, Latina, ITALY
07/1987: (Painting) “Estivia”, Latina, ITALY
05/1987: (Painting) “III premio di Pittura”, Palazzo Della Cultura, Latina, ITALY
01/1987: (Painting) Galleria Bue Toscano, Rome, ITALY
01/1986: “Serata collettiva” (Illustration), Histeria, Rome, ITALY
03/1985: “Serata Accademia”, Galleria Ass. Culturale Versacrum, Rome, ITALY
06/2022: “HUMANS. Video-ritratti della società contemporanea. #16 Conflitti”, interview, Artribune, ITALY (on-line)
11/2021: “Dart 2021, Crypto Art is Now”, catalogue, Dart – Museo della Permanente, Milan, ITALY – pp. 32, 33
03/2021: “Diálogos – 40 años de fotografia en Cordoba – 1981 – 2021”, Sala Vimcorsa, Cordoba, SPAIN – pp. 159, 187
10/2020: (Photography) Kronos Art BCN 2020, catalogue – Barcelona, SPAIN – pp. 17, 18
01/2019: “Theories in digital composite Photographs”, Book, Routlege, USA – pp.112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123
11/2018: “Macro 11/2018 – II”, book, MACRO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma, Rome, ITALY
11/2018: “Macro 11/2018”, book, MACRO, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma, Rome, ITALY
09/2018: “Digital Art Factory”, Palazzo Velli Eventi, Rome, ITALY
11/2016: “Alessandro Bavari – in the belly of the beast”, The British Journal of Photography, UK
11/2011: “Unlimited, European Short Film Festival”, catalogue, GERMANY – p. 12
09/2011: “Prix Ars Electronica 2011”, book, AUSTRIA – pp. 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31
09/2011: “Fantoche, International Animation Film Festival”, catalogue, SWITZERLAND – p. 29
07/2011: “Anima Mundi 2011”, catalogue, BRASIL – p. 57
07/2011: “NOOVO – Contemporary photography”, book, NEDERLAND – pp. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
07/2011: “Festival Internazionale del Cinema d’Arte”, catalogue, ITALY – p. 35
05/2011: “Soura Magazine Turns”, libro, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – pp. 170, 171, 172, 173
07/2010: “Premio Fotografico – Tau Visual”, book, ITALY – p. 216
07/2010: “Cyberzone n. 22”, Magazine, ITALY – pp. 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31
11/2009: “Revue Bunker, Livre Moins III”, book, FRANCE – pp. 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87
09/2009: “ZOOM”, magazine, ITALY – p. 74
09/2009: “WIESBADENER FOTOTAGE”, catalogue, GERMANY – pp. 66, 67
07/2009: “Premio fotografico – Tau Visual”, book, ITALY – pp. 41, 72, 92, 99, 260, 409
02/2009: “La Photography Actual”, magazine, SPAIN – pp. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
10/2008: “Premio Terna per l’arte contemporanea”, catalogue, ITALY – pp. 242, 243
09/2008: “Advanced Photoshop”, Magazine, UK – pp. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
07/2008: “Il Drago di Giorgio”, catalogue, ITALY – pp. 52, 58
02/2008: “insideart”, magazine, ITALY
02/2008: “Soura Magazine Photography”, magazine, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – pp. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
02/2008: “Inside artzine”, magazine, GERMANY – p. 5
02/2008: “Dedalo”, magazine, PORTUGAL – pp. 38, 39
11/2007: “Fantasy art now”, ILEX press, book, UK – pp. 96, 97, 122, 160, 161
05/2007: “Eredità del Simbolismo-Mitologie, Etnografie, Esoterismi”, book, Ferrara, ITALY – pp. 55, 72, 119, 136, 208
07/2006: “Una Aproximation Visual a la Guitarra”, catalogue, Cordoba, SPAIN- pp. 10, 24, 25, 39, 40
06/2006: “CYBERZONE: nuove crudeltà”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 13, 15, 36, 37, 39, 102, 104, 106
05/2006: “La Provincia” newspaper, ITALY
11/2005: “200 Best Illustrators Worldwide”, Lurzer’s Archive, book, GERMANY – p. 168
11/2005: “Premio Celeste”, catalogue, ITALY – p. 13
10/2005: “Creative Vision”, AVA publishing, book, UK – pp. 32, 33, 72, 73, 140, 141
09/2005: “Plotart Europa”, Galleria Arturarte, catalogue, ITALY – pp. 332, 333, 358
08/2005: “Premio Nazionale di Pittura – Sabaudia Ferruccio Ferrazzi”, catalogue, Sabaudia, ITALY – p. 35
01/2005: “The Three – Lobe Burning Eyes – Annual”, book, USA – pp. 151, 153, 155, 157
01/2005: “SPHERA – Medical Journal”, Magazine, ITALY – pp. 3, 6, 45, 79, 110
11/2004: “A VOSTRO RISCHIO E PERICOLO”, Catalogue, ITALY – pp. 16, 17, 18, 19
11/2004: “EYES OF THE SOUL – Exploring Inspiration in Art”, book, USA
10/2004: “Jungle Art Galerie: Artistes Permanents 2004/2005”, catalogue, FRANCE – pp. 12, 13
10/2004: “Photo & Vidéo Numerique”, magazine, FRANCE – pp. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
09/2004: “LUMO 2004: 15 Years of Lumo” Catalogue, FINLAND – pp. 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 65
06/2004: “Drome”, Magazine, ITALY – p. 34
06/2004: “Rebella”, magazine, ITALY – p. 5
03/2004: “L’Espressione”, Magazine, ITALY – pp. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
03/2004: “Operazione Contemporanea: 14 artisti + 2 città x 28 mostre”, catalogue, ITALY – pp. 7, 16
03/2004: “La Provincia”, newspaper, ITALY
03/2004: “Latina Oggi”, newspaper, ITALY
01/2004: “Digitalis foto”, book, HUNGARIA – pp. 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121
01/2004: “Specchio”, addendum de “La Stampa”, ITALY – p. 36
11/2003: “Le Retoriche di Eros – Geografie e antropologie del corpo d’amore”, Catalogue, ITALY – p.101
12/2003: “Cthulhu Sex – Blood, Sex and Tentacles”, magazine, NY, USA – pp. 4, 6, 9, 10, 15
11/2003: “Contrastes”, magazine, SPAIN – p. 1
11/2003: “Rebella”, magazine, ITALY – p. 6
11/2003: “Second edition of the Prize of Contemporary Photography FEDERICO VENDER, Catalogue, Arco (Trento), ITALY
10/2003: “Flash Art”, magazine, ITALY – p. 82
10/2003: “Sodoma e Gomorra”, Catalogue, Galleria Artealcontrario, Modena, ITALY
10/2003: “Mostro”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 14, 15
09/2003: “Pozytyw”, magazine, POLAND – pp. 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
09/2003: “Computer Graphics & Publishing”, magazine, ITALY- pp. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
08/2003: “Foto Art”, magazine, HUNGARIA – pp. 34, 35
08/2003: “Simultaneità”, magazine, ITALY – p. 54
07/2003: “DPWorld” magazine, CHINA – pp. 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85
07/2003: “Przekroj”, magazine, POLAND – p. 46
06/2003: “Przekroj”, magazine, POLAND – p. 42
06/2003: “Art Actuel”, magazine, FRANCE – p. 62
06/2003: “Przekroj”, magazine, POLAND – p. 42
05/2003: “ZOOM”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
04/2003: “M’ARS gallery”, catalogue, Moscow – RUSSIA – p. 10
04/2003: “Immagini Foto Pratica”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87
03/2003: “CyberZone”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 48, 83, 87, 88, 89, 91, 98, 99
03/2003: “Contemporanea 1945-2003”, book, ITALY – pp. 29, 116, 132
02/2003: “Art and Design” magazine, CHINA – pp. 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79
02/2003: “Rebella”, magazine, ITALY – p. 6
01/2003: “Letras Libres”, magazine, MEXICO – pp. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
01/2003: “Il Grandevetro”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 8, 12, 36, 40
12/2002: “MH2 – MetalHeart in Motion” Book, Harper Design International, SVEDEN – pp. 26, 27, 28, 29, 148, 149, 159
11/2002: “EFX Art & Design, n.36” magazine, SVEDEN – pp. 18, 19, 73
11/2002: “Ritual”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 20, 21
10/2002: “Secrets of Award-Winnings Digital Artists”, book, USA
10/2002: “Création Numérique”, magazine, FRANCE – pp. 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
10/2002: ”Web Designer Experiments”, book, Sometti Editore, ITALY – pp. 62, 63
08/2002: “Digitalis foto”, magazine, HUNGARIA – pp. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
08/2002: “Femina Ancilla Domina” catalogue, ITALY
07/2002: “EFX Art & Design, n.35” magazine, Svezia – p. 11
07/2002: “Computer Graphics & Publishing”, magazine, ITALY- pp. 12,13,14,15,16,17
07/2002: “Printmaking Today”, magazine, UK – p. 30
07/2002: “Podium Art”, Art Magazine, LATVIA – pp. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
06/2002: “DIGITAL – Photography + Design, issue 20”, magazine, AUSTRALIA – pp. 29, 30, 32
06/2002: “FoianoPhotography”, Catalogue, 4a edizione fotografia contemporanea, ITALY
05/2002: “DigitalXposure”, book, Dimensional Illustrators inc., USA – pp. 124,125,126,127,169
04/2002: “Art Erratica”, Magazine, NY, USA
03/2002: “Foto Digital”, Magazine, GERMANY – pp. 74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81
01/2002: “3D World magazine”, Magazine, UK
01/2002: “Podium Art”, Magazine, LATVIA – p. 55
01/2002: “Etapes:”, Magazine, FRANCE – p. 75
12/2001: “Art Business News” Magazine, USA
12/2001: “SAN INDEX BOOK (Super Artist Network)” Book, Agosto Inc. publisher, Tokio – JAPAN – pp. 51,52,53,54
12/2001: “Latina Oggi” newspaper, ITALY
10/2001: “Homage”, Magazine, IRELAND
09/2001: “RES, resulution independent magazine”, magazine, USA – p. 18
09/2001: “PortfoliosOnline”, book, Dimensional Illustrators inc., USA – pp. 34,35,120
09/2001: “LUMO 2001 – Intohimo – Passion” Catalogue, FINLAND – pp. 8,9,10,11,40,41
09/2001: “InDublin”, Magazine, IRELAND pp. 28, 81
09/2001: “KESKISUOMALAINEN” (9 settembre) newspaper, FINLAND
09/2001: “KESKISUOMALAINEN” (7 settembre) newspaper, FINLAND
09/2001: “HELSINGIN SANOMAT” newspaper, FINLAND
09/2001: “VIIKKOLEHTI” newspaper, FINLAND
09/2001: “EFX Art & Design, n.32” magazine, SVEDEN – pp. 10,11,12, 68
09/2001: “The Sunday Tribune”, newspaper, IRELAND
09/2001: “The Sunday Times”, newspaper, IRELAND
09/2001: “Event Guide”, Magazine, IRELAND
08/2001: “KESKI-SUOMEN VIIKKO” newspaper, FINLAND
08/2001: “Woman’s Way Magazine”, Magazine, IRELAND
08/2001: “Sunday Independent”, newspaper, IRELAND
08/2001: “The Sunday Business Post”, newspaper, IRELAND
08/2001: “The Irish Times”, newspaper, IRELAND
08/2001: “Irish Examiner”, newspaper, IRELAND
08/2001: “The Irish Times”, newspaper, IRELAND
08/2001: “Evening Herald”, newspaper, IRELAND
08/2001: “Irish Independent”, newspaper, IRELAND – p. 6
08/2001: “The Ticket – Irish Times”, newspaper, IRELAND – p.17
08/2001: “SixMag”, Magazine, IRELAND – p. 56
06/2001: “Denver Post”, newspaper, Denver, USA
06/2001: “Digital Photography and Design”, Magazine, AUSTRALIA – pp. 30,31,34
06/2001: “Chinese Photography”, Magazine, CHINA – pp. 18,19,20,21,22,23
06/2001: “Computer Arts Special”, magazine, UK – pp. 30,31,32,33,34
04/2001: “Art & Design”, magazine, CHINA – pp. 30,31
03/2001: “Computer Graphics & Publishing”, magazine, ITALY- pp. 26,27,28,29,30,31
02/2001: “MacWorld Magazine/Turkey”, magazine, TURKEY- p. 58
01/2001: “Clay Palm Review”, magazine, USA – p. 56
12/2000: “EFX Art & Design, n.30” magazine, SVEDEN – pp. 34,35,36,37
12/2000: “Netweek-Internet Guide”, magazine, AUSTRALIA – p. 19
11/2000: “DESIGNnet”, magazine, KOREA – pp. 69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76
09/2000: “Airbrush Art Magazine”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 56,57,58,59
08/2000: “Revista Milenio”,magazine, MEXICO – pp. 58,59
06/2000: “PixelPerfect”, book, Dimensional Illustrators inc., USA – pp. 122,123,124,125
05/2000: “Digital Photo Users”, magazine, UK – pp. 39,40,41,42,43
01/2000: “Ego”, magazine, ITALY – p. 40
12/1999: “Ego”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 16,17,18
11/1999: “Lurzer’s Archive Special: Commercial illustration 1”, book, Lurzer Book, GERMANY – pp. 65,72,94,95,114, 229
11/1999: “Il Messaggero”, newspaper, ITALY
10/1999: “”, magazine, ITALY – p. 123
10/1999: “ART2000”, Adobe Y2K Official Calendar, march page – UK
09/1999: “IDN, International Designer Network”, magazine, HONK KONG – pp. 56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63
02/1999: “Computer Graphics & Publishing”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 40,41
01/1999: “Il Messaggero”, newspaper, ITALY
10/1998: “Illustration: Electronic Workshop”, book, Rotovision, UK – pp. 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,142
11/1998: “Extreme Graphics”, book, Dimensional Illustrators inc., USA – pp. 14,15,32,34,35,37,128,138
01/1998: “Computer Gazette”, magazine, ITALY – pp. 74,75
10/1997: “MacUser”, magazine, UK – pp. 14
09/1997: “Adobe Magazine”, ITALY
07/1997: “Latina Oggi” newspaper, ITALY
01/1997: “Latina Modern Art Museum” Catalogue, ITALY
03/1996: “Latina Oggi” newspaper, ITALY
02/1996: “Jump”, Creative Technology for Imaging, magazine, ITALY
02/1996: “Latina Oggi” newspaper, ITALY
11/1995: “…Eventi: arte contemporanea a Sermoneta”, Catalogue – ITALY
04/1993: “Maelstrom”, Magazine – FRANCE/ITALY – pp. 54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63
08/1992: “Annual Illustrator’s”, book, JAPAN – pp. 18,19
04/1992: “ANNUAL 92 – Illustrators of Children’ s”, book, ITALY/JAPAN – pp.18,19
09/2019: Short Attack Festival in Berlin, GERMANY
08/2019: Contemporary – Festival Arte d’Avanguardia VI ed., ITALY
08/2019: Rooftop Films Festival, Brooklyn, NY
04/2019: Shorts Attack: Psyco, Münster, GERMANY
03/2019: Macro Museum, Rome, ITALY
11/2018: Macro Museum, Rome, ITALY
11/2018: 34 Interfilm Berlin, Berlin, GERMANY
11/2018: Macro Museum, Rome, ITALY
09/2018: Fabrique du Cinéma – Party n. 22, India Theater, Rome, ITALY
09/2018: DigitalArt Factory, Palazzo Velli, Rome, ITALY
08/2018: “Shorts Attack: Lost In Fantasy Festival”, Berlin, GERMANY
08/2018: 4th annual Popcorn Frights Film Festival, South Florida, USA
07/2018: 16th Tabor Film Festival – International Short Film Festival, CROATIA
06/2018: Sydney Film Festival, Sidney, AUSTRALIA
05/2018: Australian International Animation Festival 2018, Wagga Wagga, AUSTRALIA
04/2018: Festival Internacional Stop Motion 2018, Mexico City, MEXICO
12/2017: Mimbact ((Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo), c/o Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia Adams, Rome, ITALY
11/2017: Interfilm Berlin fest, “Experiments – New Ways in Form and Narrative”, Berlin, GERMANY
11/2017: Intefilm Berlin Fest, “EJ eject_XX – The Long Night of Weird Shorts”, Berlin, GERMANY
11/2017: Nesxt, Spazio Ferramenta, Turin, ITALY
09/2017: Sequence Shot Film Festival, Florence, ITALY
09/2017: Ars Electronica Festival 2017, Linz, AUSTRIA
09/2017: Asolo Artl Film Festival, Nuoro, ITALY
08/2017: Corto Dorico Visionaria, Ancona, ITALY
05/2017: Nexst Spazio Ferramenta c/o Carlina on STAGE, Turin, ITALY
04/2017: Skepto International Film Festival, Nuoro, ITALY
03/2017: Mecal, Barcelona International Short and Animation Film Festival, Barcelona, SPAIN
04/2017: “Uncorrect”, Hybris Art Gallery, Rome, ITALY
02/2017: World Wide Virtual Film Festival , USA
02/2017: Los Angeles CineFest, Los Angeles, USA
11/2016: 20th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur The Short Film Festival of Switzerland, SWITZERLAND
10/2016: Videosincracy, Campobasso, ITALY
09/2016: 6th International Short Animation Cartòn, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
09/2016: 8th Seoul international Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA
09/2016: International Film and Art Festival c/o Arte Non Stop Festival, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
08/2016: Nottenera Festiva, Ancona, ITALY
06/2016: “Ctonio Expo” c/o Galleria Astrolabio, Rome, ITALY
06/2016: Odense International Film Festival 2016, Odense, DENMARK
04/2016: Skepto International Film Festival, Nuoro, ITALY
03/2016: “Lo sguardo sospeso #3”, Ca’ Foscari Short Film Festival, Auditorium Santa Margherita, Venice, ITALY.
02/2016: Atrabilious Experimenteel Filmfestival, Amsterdam, HOLLAND
02/2016: Tampere Film Festival 2016, Tampere, FINLAND
04/2015: Skepto International Film Festival, Nuoro, ITALY
11/2015: Psichic TV @ The Others Stay Gold, Turin, ITALY
06/2015: M’arte 2015 | HABITAT HABITUS HUMUS, Pisa, ITALY
02/2015: “Media Art Festival”, c/o Museum Centrale Montemartini, Rome, ITALY
09/2014: Filmquest festival 2014, USA
05/2014: Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, Toowoomba City, AUSTRALIA
04/2014: London International Animation Festival, London, UK
03/2014: Psichic Tv Video art exhibition (vm edition vol II ), Parco Padiglione Arte Contemporanea, Treviso, ITALY
11/2013: “Fragments”, AMY D Arte Spazio, Milan, ITALY
10/2013: “International Competition for CyberArts 2011 Prix Ars Electronica 2011”, Il Ghetto Cultural Center , Cagliari, ITALY
09/2013: Long Night of Short Films – International Film Festival, MALTA
09/2013: Floating Pictures, Stockholm, SWEDEN
06/2013: “Inkubo Electronic Experience Festival” Psichic TV, c/o Decifra di Torino & AltoLab, Villa del Conte, ITALY
06/2013: 49a Mostra Internazionale del Nuovo Cinema, Pesaro, ITALY
06/2013: IV Open Studio, Psichic TV, c/o Decifra, Venice, ITALY
05/2013: “Incubi e visioni”, Detour Cinema, Roma, ITALY
04/2013: “Mother’s Velvet Lounge, Portland, USA
01/2013: “Cinema d’Arte Provincia di Vicenza”, IV Rassegna allo Spazio Bixio, Vicenza, ITALY
12/2012: “Centre d’Animation Jean Verdier”, Paris, FRANCE
11/2012: “Aesthetica Short Film Festival”, City of York, UK
11/2012: “Mudasfest”, Madeira Island, PORTOGALLO
11/2012: “Animpact Max”, Seoul, KOREA.
11/2012: “33ème Festival du Fil Court de Lyon-Villeurbanne”, Lyon, FRANCE
10/2012: “Palazzo Zenobio”, Venezia, ITALY
10/2012: “VISIONECA”, festival of experimental film, Isle of Wight, UK.
10/2012: “Dystopia”, London, UK
09/2012: “Short Attack Tour Film Festival”, GERMANY
09/2012: “Ecu”, the European Indipendent Film Festival, Paris, FRANCE
06/2012: “Melbourne International Animation Festival”, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
06/2012: “Vienna Independent Shorts”, Vienna, AUSTRIA
06/2012: “Roma Tre Film Festival”, Rome, ITALY.
05/2012: “INk IN THE SKY exhibition”, Bologna, ITALY
03/2012: “Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film”, Stoccarda, GERMANY
03/2012: “ANIFILM”, Festival of Animated Films, Trebon, REPUBBLICA CECA
03/2012: “Tolfa Short Film Festival”, Civitavecchia, ITALY
03/2012: “CPHPIX Festival”, Copenhagen, DANIMARCA
11/2011: “Bolzano Short Film Festival”, Bolzano, ITALY
11/2011: “Interfilm”, Berlino, GERMANY
11/2011: “Unlimited, European Short Film Festival”, Cologne, GERMANY
11/2011: “San Francisco Film Society”, San Francisco, USA
11/2011: “13th Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams”, Tallinn, ESTONIA
11/2011: “Corto Dorico Film Festival”, Ancona, ITALY
10/2011: “Souterrain Porte VI”, FRANCE
10/2011: “I’ve Seen Film”, ITALY
09/2011: “Fantoche, International Animation Film Festival”, SVIZZERA
09/2011: “Prix Ars Electronica”, Linz, AUSTRIA
07/2011: “Anima Mundi 2011”, Rio de Janeiro – São Paulo, BRASILE
07/2011: “Festival Internazionale del Cinema d’Arte”, Bergamo
07/2011: “Cinemavvenire Video Festival”, Roma
06/2011: “Roma Creative Contest”, Roma
07/2011: “Stortford Film Festival”, Stortford, UK
05/2011: “20Min/Max Kurzfilmfestival”, GERMANY
04/2011: “Skepto International Film Festival”, ITALY
03/2011: “Trick Animation Film Festival”, ITALY
06/2005: “The Utah Arts Festival 2005”, USA
06/2002: “The Melbourne International Animation Festival 2002”, AUSTRALIA (text in english)
10/2001: “3D Festival”, Copenhagen, DANIMARCA
09/2001: “RESFEST”, Digital Film Festival, USA
12/2001: “Santa Fe Film Festival”, USA
10/2000: “3D Festival”- Copenhagen, DANIMARCA AWARDS
09/2021: Sequence Shot Film Festival, best video, Florence, ITALY
02/2017: Los Angeles CineFest, Los Angeles, semi-finalist, USA
04/2016: Skepto International Film Festival, finalist, Nuoro, ITALY
11/2015: Epica Award 2015, Bronze, Paris, FRANCE
11/2011: 13th Animation Film Festival Animated Dreams, Best Design Award, Tallinn, ESTONIA
11/2011 :Corto Dorico Film Festival, Prize Critics Special Mention, Ancona, ITALY
11/2011: Corto Dorico Film Festival, 1° prize ex aequo, Ancona, ITALY
09/2011: Prix Ars Electronica, Golden Nica – Best animation, AUSTRIA
07/2011: Festival Internazionale del Cinema d’Arte, 1° Prize Art Lab, Bergamo, ITALY
07/2011: Cinemavvenire Video Festival, Best Direction Prize, Rome, ITALY
05/2011: Stortford Film Festival, Best Experimental Film, UK
04/2011: “SKEPTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL”, Special Prize IED, Cagliari
10/2010: “PHOTOGRAPHIC PRIZE TAU VISUAL – 2009”, 2° prize, art section, ITALY
10/2008: “PHOTOGRAPHIC PRIZE TAU VISUAL – 2008”, 1° prize, art section, ITALY
06/2007: ART DIRECTORS CLUB AWARDS, Merit awards at Print Advertising section, USA
06/2007: ONE SHOW AWARDS, Merit awards at Print section, USA
05/2007: CLIO AWARDS, Bronze Prize at Print section, USA
11/2006: London International Awards, finalist at Print category, London, UK
10/2006: ADCI AWARDS, Gold Prize at Illustration section, Silver Prize at Print section, ITALY
06/2005: Best animation at “2005 Fear No Film Short Film & Video”, USA
01/2002: “2002 International Digital Art Award”, AUSTRALIA
10/2001: nominated in the “3D Festival” Awards, category 3D Animated Short, COPENHAGEN
02/2001: Major Award Winner of the “2001 International Digital Art Award”, AUSTRALIA
12/2000: Winner of the 3rd prize public (2/D category) in “Pixxelpoint, International Computer Art Festival”, Nova Gorica, SLOVENIA
10/2000: Winner of the “Digital Hall of Fame Award” in 3D Festival Awards, international competition – COPENHAGEN
07/1997: Winner of the “Photo-realistic images” award on the Adobe “THE POWER OF DESIGN” European competition 1997, London, UK
06/1993: (Calcography) “41a Fiera Internazionale di Roma”, II premio, Fiera di Roma, Rome, ITALY
06/2011: (Photography) Largo Baracche Art Space, Napoli.
08/2002: (Photography) University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
02/2002: (Photography) RMDAC gallery – Denver, USA
12/2001: (Photography) Jyvaskyla Art Museum, FINLAND
01/2001: (Photography), ZoneZero, “Sodoma e Gomorra” – MEXICO
04/2000: (Photography) Adobe, London, UK
08/1996: (Painting) Palazzo della Cultura, Museo d’Arte Moderna, Latina, ITALY
05/2016: “Natural Caos” RSI, Swiss television, SWITZERLAND
07/2003: “WAM tv”, WorldArt Media Television (TV), UK
08/2002: “RAITRE”, TG regione Toscana (TV), ITALY
08/2001: “ART BEAT”, ANNALIVIA Station (Radio), IRELAND, 12’55”
08/2001: “RATTLEBAG”, RADIO ONE Station (Radio), IRELAND, 7’25”